Elon Musk’s wallet sheds $28 billion! Toyota speaks on EV struggles.

Toyota adds salt to Musk’s wound, says EV future looks grim.

Akio Toyoda EV struggles

EV struggles: In recent days, the world witnessed a staggering turn of events in the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Elon Musk, the charismatic CEO of Tesla, saw his fortune take a nosedive, losing a whopping $28 billion. This startling financial hit comes as Tesla, the EV behemoth, reported disastrous third-quarter earnings. The ripple effects from this incident have left investors and industry experts grappling with a fundamental question: is the road to electric vehicle adoption really as smooth as we once thought?

Toyota’s Chairman Speaks Out

Akio Toyoda, the chairman and former CEO of Toyota, has long been a skeptic of the electric vehicle hype train. His reservations about betting the entire automotive industry’s future on EVs were a significant reason behind his decision to step down from the top job at the Japanese carmaker earlier this year. Now, with Tesla’s stumbles in the spotlight, Toyoda can finally say, “I told you so.”

Toyoda has consistently maintained that electric vehicles are not the sole solution for the automotive industry to achieve carbon neutrality. In his words, “There are many ways to climb the mountain.” Other major automakers seem to share his sentiment as they, too, slow down their EV rollouts. Lucid has reduced production by 30%, and GM has delayed the introduction of the Chevy Silverado EV by a whole year.

President Biden’s Ambitious Agenda

President Joe Biden has made ambitious bets on electric vehicles, aiming to reduce U.S. carbon emissions and combat climate change. However, the EV market’s stability is now in question as high interest rates are damping customer demand not only for electric vehicles but also for other types of vehicles. This financial hurdle is effectively preventing many people from entering the EV market, according to Jessica Caldwell, head of insights at Edmunds.

Slower EV Sales Growth

Although electric vehicle sales are still on the rise, the pace of growth has slowed. In the first half of 2023, EV sales saw a 49% increase from the previous year, which is slower than the 63% increase seen in the previous year. This deceleration in growth raises questions about the ease of transitioning to a brand-new technology. EVs are expensive, and they require people to establish a different relationship with their vehicles, which has remained largely unchanged for decades. Jessica Caldwell aptly remarks, “So to think that everything was going to roll out smoothly and we follow this nice adoption curve, it was a bit unrealistic.

Elon Musk’s Downturn

Elon Musk, often regarded as a flag-bearer for the EV industry, took a staggering hit of $30 billion to his net worth. Tesla, the company he founded and leads, posted its lowest quarterly earnings per share (EPS) in two years, falling 10% below already negative analyst forecasts. The stock market reacted swiftly, with Tesla’s shares plummeting by over 17%, and the company’s market capitalization taking a hit of $138 billion in just over two trading days.

The Road Ahead

As the dust begins to settle, one thing becomes clear: this is a significant speed bump for automakers. Jessica Caldwell predicts that many in the industry foresaw such challenges. In response to these growing pains, Akio Toyoda’s long-standing advice to the industry seems more relevant than ever. He suggests that automakers hedge their bets by continuing to invest in hybrids, hydrogen-powered cars, and other alternative eco-friendly vehicles.

Other industry giants, like Ford and General Motors, have also shown reluctance to put all their eggs in the EV basket. Ford’s chairman, Bill Ford, has described the rhetoric surrounding EVs as “heavily politicized.” General Motors, despite previously making bullish commitments to phase out gas- and diesel-powered vehicles by 2035, is now slowing down EV production due to drops in demand and pressures from labor strikes.

Inevitable Dominance of EVs

Despite these challenges, experts agree that the industry is moving toward electric vehicles. To deny this would be unwise. However, what that path looks like remains undefined and is causing increasing confusion within the industry.

As investors and industry leaders reflect on these recent events, it’s clear that the EV landscape is evolving rapidly, and the road to mass adoption is far from straightforward. The recent downturn for Tesla and the industry’s collective hesitation indicate that a multi-faceted approach, as championed by Akio Toyoda, might be the most practical path forward.


The recent financial turmoil surrounding Tesla and the skepticism expressed by industry leaders like Akio Toyoda underscore the complexities and challenges inherent in the electric vehicle industry. While the shift to electric vehicles is inevitable, it is crucial to acknowledge that the road ahead will not be without its fair share of obstacles. In the end, a diversified approach that encompasses hybrid vehicles, hydrogen-powered cars, and other eco-friendly alternatives might be the key to a sustainable and successful transition to electric vehicles.


1. Why did Elon Musk lose $28 billion?

Elon Musk’s significant financial loss was primarily attributed to Tesla’s disastrous third-quarter earnings, which fell short of expectations.

2. What is Akio Toyoda’s stance on electric vehicles?

Akio Toyoda, the chairman of Toyota, has long been skeptical of relying solely on electric vehicles for achieving carbon neutrality, advocating for a diversified approach.

3. How has President Joe Biden supported electric vehicles?

President Biden has placed a strong emphasis on electric vehicles as part of his climate change agenda, but high interest rates have dampened customer demand.

4. Why are electric vehicle sales growth slowing down?

The transition to electric vehicles involves a significant shift in technology and vehicle-user relationships, leading to a slower growth rate in the EV market.

5. What’s the future of electric vehicles in the auto industry?

Despite current challenges, electric vehicles are still expected to dominate the auto industry, although the exact path to this dominance remains uncertain.


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