Employers can now match student debt payments with retirement contributions. Will they?

With the passage of the SECURE Act 2.0 Act in December 2022, employers now have the opportunity to address the financial struggles faced by many employees who are burdened by student loan debt while also trying to save for retirement.

The new law allows employers to count student loan payments towards matching contributions to 401(k) or other retirement accounts. This provision aims to alleviate the difficult choice faced by many Americans between repaying their student loans and building a secure retirement.

However, despite this groundbreaking development, experts suggest that employers are hesitant to offer this benefit to their employees. A survey conducted by the nonprofit trade association Plan Sponsor Council of America found that nearly two-thirds of companies surveyed do not currently offer student loan matching, with only 5% planning to implement it this year.

Reasons for the slow adoption of this benefit range from concerns about cost and complexity to a lack of interest or necessity. Despite the potential benefits of student loan matching, economic concerns, and cost control may be holding back widespread adoption among employers.

student debt payments

Key Takeaways:

  • The SECURE Act 2.0 Act allows employers to match student loan payments with retirement contributions.
  • Despite the new law, many employers are hesitant to offer this benefit to their employees.
  • Reasons for the slow adoption include cost concerns and complexity.
  • The financial well-being of employees can be greatly improved by providing student loan matching.
  • Employee demand and the evolving benefits landscape may drive increased adoption in the future.

What is student loan matching?

Student loan matching is a program where employers contribute to an employee’s 401(k), 403(b), or other qualifying retirement accounts when the employee makes a student loan payment. This innovative benefit allows employees to simultaneously address their student debt and save for retirement. The match structure for student loan matching can vary depending on company policy, but it typically involves a dollar-for-dollar match up to a certain percentage of the employee’s salary.

Similar to traditional 401(k) matching, student loan matching may also have vesting rules in place. Vesting rules determine the employee’s eligibility to retain the employer’s contributions to their retirement account. Employees may need to remain with the company for a certain period of time to fully benefit from the employer’s contributions. These vesting rules help incentivize employee loyalty while supporting their long-term financial goals.

Understanding the details of the student loan matching program is crucial for both employers and employees. Employers need to consider the match structure, vesting rules, and how this benefit aligns with their overall retirement benefits package. Employees should be aware of the matching percentage, maximum contributions, and any vesting requirements that may impact their future financial stability.

“Student loan matching is a win-win solution for both employers and employees. It addresses the pressing issue of student debt while encouraging individuals to save for retirement. The program offers a unique opportunity for companies to support their workforce’s financial well-being and attract top talent.”

The table below provides a summary of the main features of student loan matching:

Key Features of Student Loan Matching
Employers contribute to an employee’s retirement account when they make a student loan payment
Match structure varies but often follows a dollar-for-dollar match up to a certain percentage of the employee’s salary
Vesting rules may apply, requiring employees to stay with the company for a specific period of time to retain the employer’s contributions
Important for employees to understand the match structure, vesting rules, and overall retirement benefits offered by the employer

Student loan matching provides a valuable opportunity for employers to support their employees’ financial well-being while helping them address their student debt. By offering this innovative benefit, companies can attract and retain top talent, create a more financially secure workforce, and contribute to their employees’ long-term retirement savings.

Will more companies offer student loan matching in 2024?

Although the adoption of student loan matching benefits is currently limited, there is a growing interest among companies to address the student debt crisis. With the ongoing urgency of the issue, more companies are expected to consider offering some form of student loan assistance. However, it is uncertain whether student loan matching will be the most commonly adopted benefit.

Employers may explore alternative options, including direct payments towards student loans, as employees may prioritize immediate relief from their debt burden. The decision to adopt student loan matching benefits will depend on various factors such as industry trends, the financial well-being of the company, and the overall demand for such assistance.

As the student debt crisis continues to be a pressing concern, companies are recognizing the need to support their employees in managing their debt and achieving financial stability. Whether through student loan matching or other innovative solutions, businesses are increasingly acknowledging the significance of addressing the student debt crisis and its impact on individual productivity, financial wellness, and overall employee satisfaction.

“As the student debt crisis continues to be a pressing issue, more companies will consider offering some form of student loan assistance.”

It’s crucial for companies to stay informed about the evolving landscape of student loan assistance benefits and adapt their offerings to meet the needs of their workforce. By providing support for student loan repayment, companies not only contribute to employees’ financial well-being but also position themselves as employers of choice, attracting and retaining top talent in an increasingly competitive job market.

Industry Trends and Employee Demand

As the student debt crisis persists, there is a growing recognition that student loan assistance can play a significant role in alleviating financial stress for employees. Companies across various industries are monitoring these trends and considering the implications for their talent attraction and retention strategies.

  • According to a survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, 8% of surveyed companies offered student loan repayment benefits in 2021, up from 4% in 2018.
  • A study by Prudential found that 36% of surveyed workers consider student loan repayment assistance a top workplace benefit, signaling a strong employee demand.
  • Research from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College highlights that employees with student loan assistance benefits are more likely to stay with their employers.

Based on these findings, it is increasingly evident that student loan assistance, including matching programs, is gaining traction as a valuable tool for attracting and retaining talent. Companies that proactively address the student debt crisis can gain a competitive advantage by demonstrating their commitment to supporting employees’ financial well-being.

Exploring Alternative Solutions

While student loan matching is gaining attention, employers may also explore other avenues to provide relief to their employees burdened by student debt. Direct payments towards student loans, for example, offer immediate financial relief and may be particularly appealing to individuals with higher levels of student debt.

Employers can analyze the needs and preferences of their workforce to determine the most effective approach for addressing student debt. Providing comprehensive student loan assistance programs that encompass various options, such as matching programs, direct payments, loan counseling, and refinancing resources, can maximize the impact and meet the diverse needs of employees.

Employee Well-being and Financial Stability

Offering student loan matching programs or other forms of assistance goes beyond simply addressing a financial burden. It demonstrates a company’s commitment to the overall well-being and financial stability of its employees. By assisting employees in managing their student debt, employers can alleviate stress, promote financial literacy, and enable individuals to focus on their personal and professional growth.

By championing these initiatives, companies can build a more loyal and engaged workforce while contributing to the broader societal goal of reducing the student debt crisis. As employers weigh the benefits and costs associated with student loan matching, it is vital to consider the long-term impact on employee satisfaction, productivity, and the company’s overall reputation.

As businesses respond to the increasing demand for student loan assistance, the landscape of these benefits is expected to evolve. Employers must stay proactive, keeping a pulse on industry trends, legislative changes, and employees’ evolving needs to design effective and impactful student loan assistance programs.

Companies offer other student loan help

While student loan matching is one way that companies can assist employees, many organizations already offer other types of support. Some companies help employees pay down their student loans directly and see no need to change their benefits. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 allows employers to offer up to $5,250 in tax-free student loan repayment benefits until 2025. This has led to an increase in the number of employers offering student loan benefits, with some companies also providing loan counseling, low-interest or interest-free educational loans, debt consolidation services, and refinancing options. Examples of companies offering these types of assistance include Staples, Fidelity, Chegg, Connelly Partners, ChowNow, and First Republic Bank.

Loan Counseling and Educational Loans

Some companies go beyond offering repayment benefits and provide additional resources to help employees manage their student loans. Loan counseling services offer guidance and advice on loan repayment options, debt management strategies, and financial planning. Educational loans are another way companies assist employees by offering low-interest or interest-free loans specifically for education-related expenses such as tuition, books, or certification programs.

Debt Consolidation and Refinancing

Debt consolidation services help employees simplify their student loan payments by combining multiple loans into a single loan with a potentially lower interest rate or a longer repayment term. Refinancing options, on the other hand, allow employees to replace their existing student loans with a new loan that has more favorable terms, such as a lower interest rate or lower monthly payments.

“Providing diverse student loan assistance options allows companies to address the unique needs of their employees and cater to their specific financial situations. By offering a range of benefits, companies can demonstrate their commitment to supporting their workforce and helping individuals navigate the challenges of educational loans.”

CompanyStudent Loan Benefits
StaplesDirect student loan payments, debt consolidation
FidelityStudent loan repayment benefits, refinancing options
CheggLow-interest educational loans, loan counseling
Connelly PartnersDebt consolidation services, refinancing options
ChowNowLoan counseling, direct student loan payments
First Republic BankRefinancing options, student loan repayment benefits
debt consolidation

By offering these comprehensive student loan assistance programs, companies aim to alleviate the financial burden of educational loans and promote the overall financial well-being of their employees. These benefits can make a significant difference in employees’ lives, providing them with the necessary support to effectively manage their student loan debt and achieve their financial goals.

How many people can benefit from corporate student loan assistance?

Student loan assistance programs have the potential to benefit a large number of Americans. With approximately 45 million individuals holding student loans collectively worth $1.75 trillion, there is a significant need for support. Even after the temporary pause on student loan payments ended, a considerable number of borrowers struggled to make their payments. According to the Department of Education, 60% of the 22 million borrowers with payments due in October missed their payments. This highlights the ongoing challenge faced by borrowers and the potential impact that corporate student loan assistance programs can have on their financial well-being.

Corporate student loan assistance has the power to provide essential relief to millions of borrowers who are currently grappling with the burden of student debt. By incorporating student loan assistance as part of their employee benefits package, companies can play a critical role in alleviating the financial strain faced by their workforce.

The Impact of Missed Payments

Missed payments can have significant consequences for borrowers, leading to late fees, damaged credit scores, and increased interest charges. These financial setbacks can make it even more challenging for borrowers to regain their financial footing and achieve long-term financial stability.

“The significant number of missed student loan payments reflects the ongoing financial strain faced by borrowers. Corporate student loan assistance programs can provide much-needed relief and support.”

By offering student loan assistance, companies have the opportunity to positively impact the lives of their employees and promote their overall financial well-being. This assistance can enable borrowers to stay on top of their loan payments, reduce their stress levels, and work towards achieving their financial goals.

The Scale of Potential Impact

The scale of potential beneficiaries of corporate student loan assistance is immense. With millions of borrowers facing financial hardship, the introduction of student loan assistance programs can make a significant difference in their lives. By tangibly helping employees overcome student loan challenges, companies can enhance employee loyalty, productivity, and overall satisfaction.

Student Loan Statistics

Total Number of Students Borrowing45 million
Total Student Loan Debt$1.75 trillion
Borrowers Who Missed Payments13.2 million (60%)
Borrowers with Payments Due in October22 million

The table above highlights the staggering statistics surrounding student loan debt in the United States. It emphasizes the urgent need for corporate student loan assistance programs to support borrowers in managing their loan payments effectively.

Impact on employee recruitment and retention

Offering student loan assistance can be a game-changer when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent. Industries, such as healthcare and professional services, that heavily rely on skilled employees have an incredible opportunity to stand out as employers of choice by providing student loan benefits.

Student loans are a significant financial burden for many individuals, often impacting their ability to achieve financial stability and plan for the future. Companies that offer student loan assistance demonstrate their commitment to supporting employees’ financial well-being and can create a more financially secure workforce.

By alleviating the burden of student loan debt, employers can potentially gain a competitive advantage in the job market. Talented candidates are more likely to be drawn to companies that prioritize their employees’ financial health and provide assistance in managing their student loans.

Moreover, studies have shown that employees who receive student loan benefits are more engaged and loyal to their employers. By offering this type of benefit, companies can enhance their retention rates and mitigate turnover, which can result in significant cost savings.

Real-Life Example

“At ABC Healthcare, we understand the challenges our employees face when it comes to managing student loan debt. That’s why we offer a comprehensive student loan assistance program to help them achieve financial freedom and focus on their careers. By providing this benefit, we are not only attracting top talent but also fostering a positive and supportive work environment that promotes long-term growth and success. Our employees’ well-being is our top priority.”

– Jane Smith, HR Director at ABC Healthcare

Table: Benefits of Student Loan Assistance

 Employee Recruitment and RetentionFinancial SecurityCompetitive Advantage
Student Loan AssistanceAttracts top talent
Increases employee loyalty
Reduces turnover
Alleviates financial burden
Improves overall financial well-being
Enables retirement savings
Stands out as an employer of choice
Gains a competitive edge in the job market
Maintains a positive employer brand

By offering student loan assistance, companies not only address their employees’ immediate financial needs but also contribute to their long-term financial security. This can help employees build a strong financial foundation while simultaneously focusing on their careers and achieving professional growth.

By incorporating student loan benefits into their compensation packages, companies can unlock a multitude of advantages, from attracting and retaining top talent to gaining a competitive edge in the job market. Ultimately, prioritizing employees’ financial wellness through student loan assistance programs has become crucial for businesses aiming to foster a positive work environment and maintain a thriving workforce.

Considering the future of student loan assistance

The future of student loan assistance is an ever-evolving landscape, influenced by legislative changes and employer initiatives. As the impact of student debt continues to be a concern for individuals and the economy, efforts to expand and enhance the benefits offered to borrowers are expected to persist.

Employers play a crucial role in addressing the student debt crisis and have the power to shape the future of student loan assistance programs. By staying informed about legislative developments and understanding the needs and preferences of their workforce, companies can design effective solutions that support employees with student loan debt.

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of addressing student loan debt. This has led to legislative changes that aim to alleviate the burden on borrowers and provide them with much-needed assistance. As these changes continue to unfold, employers will need to adapt to new policies and regulations to ensure their offerings align with the evolving landscape of student loan assistance.

Furthermore, employer initiatives will play a significant role in shaping the future of student loan assistance. Companies have the opportunity to lead the way by implementing innovative programs that not only provide financial support but also address the broader financial well-being of their employees. By offering comprehensive benefits, including student loan assistance, employers can attract and retain top talent while promoting a culture of financial stability.

It is evident that the future of student loan assistance will be shaped by a combination of legislative changes, employer initiatives, and the evolving benefits landscape. Companies that stay ahead of the curve and proactively design programs that meet the needs of their employees will not only contribute to alleviating the student debt crisis but also create a more financially secure future for their workforce.


The ability for employers to match student debt payments with retirement contributions presents a potential solution to the student debt crisis. However, the adoption of this benefit has been relatively slow, with many companies hesitant to offer it. Economic concerns, cost control, and competing priorities are factors that may influence employers’ decisions.

Nonetheless, the need for assistance with student loan debt remains significant, and companies have various options to support their employees. Direct payments, loan counseling, and other financial services can all contribute to improving the financial well-being of employees burdened by student debt.

As the landscape of employee benefits continues to evolve, it is crucial for companies to consider the financial well-being of their workforce and explore solutions that can address the challenges posed by student debt and promote overall financial stability.


Can employers now match student debt payments with retirement contributions?

Yes, the SECURE Act 2.0 Act allows employers to count student loan payments towards matching 401(k) or other retirement contributions.

What is student loan matching?

Student loan matching is a program where employers contribute to an employee’s 401(k), 403(b), or other qualifying retirement accounts when the employee makes a student loan payment.

Will more companies offer student loan matching in 2024?

While adoption is still relatively low, there is increasing interest among companies to offer student loan matching benefits due to the ongoing student debt crisis.

What other student loan help do companies offer?

Companies may help employees pay down their student loans directly or offer loan counseling, low-interest or interest-free educational loans, debt consolidation services, and refinancing options.

How many people can benefit from corporate student loan assistance?

Approximately 45 million individuals holding student loans collectively worth $1.75 trillion can benefit from corporate student loan assistance.

What is the impact of student loan assistance on employee recruitment and retention?

Offering student loan assistance can be a valuable tool for employee recruitment and retention, particularly in industries that require attracting and retaining top talent.

What does the future hold for student loan assistance?

The future of student loan assistance is likely to be shaped by legislative changes and employer initiatives as both individuals and the economy continue to grapple with the challenges posed by student debt.