Suzlon Share Price History

Suzlon Share Price History: Suzlon Energy Ltd (SUZL) is a leading Indian wind turbine manufacturer. The company’s share price has seen significant fluctuations over the past few years, reaching a high of ₹91.50 in January 2018 and a low of ₹7.15 in March 2020. As of January 14, 2024, SUZL’s share price closed at ₹44.90.

Look at Suzlon Share Price History

Here’s a quick snapshot of Suzlon’s share price highs and lows from 2005 to 2024:

YearSuzlonYOY Chg%↑High↓Low

Here’s a brief overview of Suzlon’s share price history:

  • 2017-2018: Suzlon’s share price soared from ₹26.00 in January 2017 to ₹91.50 in January 2018, driven by strong growth in the Indian wind power market.
  • 2019-2020: The company’s share price faced a sharp decline from ₹76.00 in January 2019 to ₹7.15 in March 2020 due to financial challenges and a slowdown in the wind power market.
  • 2021-2023: Suzlon’s share price showed signs of recovery, reaching ₹22.00 in February 2023, supported by government initiatives promoting renewable energy and the company’s efforts to restructure its debt.
  • 2024: In the first two weeks of January 2024, SUZL’s share price has gained over 16%, closing at ₹44.90 on January 14.

It’s important to note that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The Suzlon share price is likely to be influenced by various factors, including:

  • The overall performance of the Indian wind power market
  • Government policies and regulations
  • Suzlon’s financial performance and debt levels
  • Competition from other wind turbine manufacturers.

If you’re considering investing in Suzlon shares, it’s important to carefully research the company and the risks involved. You should also seek professional advice from a financial advisor.

Suzlon’s Soaring Journey: A Look at the Wind Turbine Giant’s Share Price History

Suzlon Energy Ltd (SUZL) is a name synonymous with the wind power industry in India. The company, a leading manufacturer of wind turbines, has seen its share price on a rollercoaster ride over the years, reflecting the evolving dynamics of the renewable energy sector.

From Humble Beginnings to Skyrocketing Heights

Suzlon’s share price history can be traced back to 2005 when the company went public. In its initial years, the stock saw a gradual but steady rise, reaching a high of ₹52.20 in January 2008. This upward trend was fueled by the burgeoning Indian wind power market, driven by government incentives and rising awareness of environmental sustainability.

The Golden Era and the Subsequent Dip

The period between 2010 and 2018 marked a golden era for Suzlon. The company’s share price skyrocketed to a record high of ₹91.50 in January 2018, driven by several factors:

  • The exponential growth of the Indian wind power market: India emerged as the world’s fourth-largest wind power producer, with Suzlon being a major beneficiary of this boom.
  • Favorable government policies: The Indian government introduced attractive subsidies and tax breaks for wind power projects, further boosting demand for Suzlon’s turbines.
  • Global expansion: Suzlon ventured into international markets, diversifying its revenue streams and enhancing its brand image.

However, this golden era was short-lived. The winds changed direction in 2019, and Suzlon’s share price plummeted to a low of ₹7.15 in March 2020. This dramatic fall was attributed to a confluence of factors:

  • Financial challenges: Suzlon faced mounting debt due to its ambitious expansion plans and over-reliance on government subsidies.
  • Market slowdown: The Indian wind power market witnessed a slowdown due to policy changes and increased competition.
  • Global headwinds: The COVID-19 pandemic further impacted the global wind power industry, disrupting supply chains and dampening demand.

Signs of Revival and the Road Ahead

The past few years have seen Suzlon making a concerted effort to turn things around. The company has restructured its debt, streamlined its operations, and focused on cost-cutting measures. These efforts have yielded positive results, with the share price showing signs of recovery in 2021 and 2023. As of January 14, 2024, SUZL’s share price closed at ₹44.90, reflecting a cautious optimism about the company’s future.